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main(String[]) - Static method in class ColorChooser
Main method for testing the ColorChooser
main(String[]) - Static method in class IntArrayWorkerTester
Method to test getColTotal
main(String[]) - Static method in class Picture
main(String[]) - Static method in class PictureExplorer
Test Main.
main(String[]) - Static method in class PictureTester
Main method for testing.
mirrorTemple() - Method in class Picture
Mirror just part of a picture of a temple
mirrorVertical() - Method in class Picture
Method that mirrors the picture around a vertical mirror in the center of the picture from left to right
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class PictureExplorer
Method called when the mouse is clicked
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class PictureExplorer
Called when the mouse is dragged (button held down and moved)
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class PictureExplorer
Method called when the component is entered (mouse moves over it)
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class PictureExplorer
Method called when the mouse moves over the component
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class PictureExplorer
Method called when the mouse is moved with no buttons down
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class PictureExplorer
Method called when the mouse button is pushed down
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class PictureExplorer
Method called when the mouse button is released
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