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changeToBaseOne() - Method in class PictureExplorer
Changes the number system to start at one
checkScroll() - Method in class PictureExplorer
Method to check that the current position is in the viewing area and if not scroll to center the current position if possible
close() - Method in class PictureFrame
A method to close a picture frame
ColorChooser - Class in <Unnamed>
A class to make working with a color chooser easier for students.
ColorChooser() - Constructor for class ColorChooser
colorDistance(Color) - Method in class Pixel
Method to get the distance between this pixel's color and the passed color
colorDistance(Color, Color) - Static method in class Pixel
Method to compute the color distances between two color objects
copy(Picture, int, int) - Method in class Picture
copy from the passed fromPic to the specified startRow and startCol in the current picture
copyPicture(SimplePicture) - Method in class SimplePicture
Method that will copy all of the passed source picture into the current picture object
createCollage() - Method in class Picture
Method to create a collage of several pictures
createGraphics() - Method in class SimplePicture
Method to get a Graphics2D object for this picture which can be used to do 2D drawing on the picture
createLocationPanel(Font) - Method in class PictureExplorer
Create the pixel location panel
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